My Kids’ Ministry Experience: What kids taught me

Its life changing.

I joined the ministry on December 2012 and have been with the toddlers’ (0-3 years’ old) team. I thought it was an easy task and told myself “I’ll just play with them”. I’m so wrong. It’s a difficult task. Yes, its hard but at the same time rewarding.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

-Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

As a teacher, I thought I can teach them but I found myself taught by them.

One Sunday I feel so down. There was a boy around 3 yrs old, I asked him if he wanted to play and said yes. While playing with him, I learned that he undergone an operation as he pointed on his head with stitches. I asked him if it hurts and he said yes but he still played anyway. He acted like a big brother to other kids and was so mature. He smiled and played happily. I thought “How strong a child can be?” With so small things, I crunch. God reminded me that He is stronger over our troubles and its amazing and at the same time comforting to know how great our Father really is.

There’s a cute story I heard from other teachers in the Kids church that happened during the Vacation Bible School (VBS). They were doing an activity and child 1 bump with child 2. Child 1 said “I’m sorry” and Child 2 replied, “It’s ok…I still love you!”. How adorable is that! If those were adults, there must be a ramble going on!

Sometimes when we were hurt, we put on a grudge. Adults forgive but seldom forget. How great if we could be like that. “It’s ok”- as we forget and”I still love you”- as we reassure them that we still care and love them no matter what.

As we strive to be Christ-like, we don’t have to look up but rather look down to the little ones who are living examples too. It’s such a humbling experience and a great opportunity to encounter God through the eyes of every child.

Their greatest charisma:

  1. They trust genuinely
  2. They forgive and forget
  3. They quickly say sorry
  4. They show appreciation

I hope everyone of us can learn from them. 🙂

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

-Matthew 18:3 (NIV)

Kids' church teachers (me at the back, middle)
Kids’ church teachers (me at the back, middle)

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